In article > ,
"Peter Aitken" > wrote:
> "Charlene Charette" > wrote in message
> > Peter Aitken wrote:
> >
> > > 2) There are quite a few controlled medical studies that show that the
> > > Atkins diet does not have adverse effects on health.
> >
> > Not an attack; just curious to read what's available. Can you point me
> > to any long-term studies? The ones I've seen compared various diets and
> > lasted about 6 months; after 6 months there were no longer a statiscally
> > signifiant number of participants doing any of the diets.
> >
> I do not have the details at my fingertips. I know a couple were done at
> Duke Medical Center (where I work) and perhaps the Atkins site has
> references.
> > > 3) Hundreds of thousands of people have done the diet and lost weight
> while
> > > improving their blood chemistry.
> >
> > Well, just losing weight will improve the blood chemistry of many
> > people. If people can healthfully lose weight and keep it off, more
> > power to 'em.
> >
> True - but the Atkins diet lets people eat more foods, such as eggs and
> cheese, that are supposed to be bad for your blood chemistry. As a result
> many people were legitimately worried that the Atkins diet would make blood
> chemistry worse. The research shows that this is not the case, and that's
> the point that many people cannot get thru their heads.
After being brainwashed for so many years, it's hard to get the formula
that starch/sugar = bad and fat = good. ;-)
I don't actually eat a lot of fat just because I really don't like it.
I do mostly protien and fresh green veggies.... I LIKE veggies!
Sprout the Mung Bean to reply...
>,,<Cat's Haven Hobby Farm>,,<Katraatcenturyteldotnet>,,< id=katra