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In article .com>,

> Hi all.I'm in the UK and since trying to lose some weight have
> given up on drinks containing sugar, and go for diet versions
> instead.However one can only drink so many sugar-free soft-drinks
> before you want to try something different.By this i mean milk-shales
> which are sugar free and contain some kind artifical sweetener.The only
> ones I can seem to find in the supermakrkets are the slimfast ones,
> however they contain about
> 1000 kj, which I think is too much for a drink.I think they are meant
> for meal-replacement, whereas I'm looking for just a drink.
> So does anyone know of any kind of shakes which can be bought on the
> net,or in shops?
> Thanks for reading this post and bye.

I drink mostly WATER! It's good for you and calorie free. ;-)

Next best thing are various herbal iced teas for flavor differences.
I make them solar. Dunk about 5 or 6 teabags in a gallon jar of water
and place it out in the sun for a few hours.

Celestial seasonings tea can be bought on line.
Flavored with mint, lemon, cranberry, raspberry, orange, etc.
My four personal favorites are Bengal spice, Sleepy time,
Lemon zinger and cranberry zinger.

Much better than milkshakes!
Milk is not "sugar free".
It's called Lactose...


Sprout the Mung Bean to reply...

>,,<Cat's Haven Hobby Farm>,,<Katraatcenturyteldotnet>,,< id=katra