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In article >,
Dave Smith > wrote:

> Katra wrote:
> > I don't actually eat a lot of fat just because I really don't like it.
> > I do mostly protien and fresh green veggies.... I LIKE veggies!
> >

> I'm with you there. I don't mind a little bit of fat in my meat, but when I
> have
> steaks or chops I usually trim off the outer strip of fat and save it for
> the dogs.
> My wife doesn't bother trimming it, and then she eats half of my fat that was
> intended
> for the dogs.

<lol> I've seen that... ;-)

I usually go ahead and cook it, then trim it off for the cats.
They seem to like it better cooked.

Sometimes I crave fat, especially if I've been deliberately restricting
it. Then crispy fried fat or grilled fat is the _gods_!

I remember back when I was keeping a food log and actually keeping track
of daily fat grams and percentages. Took me 1/2 hour per day to do all
the math. <G>

I found that when I cut back to less than 10% fat daily, I'd start
craving it after about 3 days.

15% to 25% daily fat intake seemed to keep it under control.

You do need essential fatty acids in your diet, so the trick is to
figure out what to eat. Avocados, nuts and olive oil usually fit the
bill and curb the cravings, and are much healthier than animal fat.


Sprout the Mung Bean to reply...

>,,<Cat's Haven Hobby Farm>,,<Katraatcenturyteldotnet>,,< id=katra