Melba's Jammin' wrote:
> In article >, zxcvbob
> > wrote:
>>I never liked the poppyseed ones all that much.
> "You can always tell a Slovak by the poppyseeds in his teeth." I've got
> the button.
> My favorites were
>>apricot, apple, or sausage.
> If you put meat in it, you gotta call it something else. Kolache, my
> ass.
That's what I thought, but I'm not an authority on them so I went along
with it. Green's had some wonderful little sausage rolls; I don't
remember what they called them. The sweet ones were call kolaches and
were round with a depressed center with a little bit of filling. Not
the square things with turned up corners that were sold at the kolache
shack in Temple.
I used to wrap breakfast sausages or ham & cheese in bread dough and
bake them for DD to take to school for lunch when she was in elementary
school. They were good, but not the same thing as the ones Green's made
with kolache dough wrapped around a sausage.
Do you have a good recipe for the dough? I found a link with fillings
that look authentic, and the dough has eggs and milk in it like I was
pretty sure it would -- but mashed potatoes?