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>Dave Smith writes:
>Rodney Myrvaagnes wrote:
>> They don't get tough at all. Take dry scallops, which the OP didn't
>> have. Heat a dry cast iron skillet til really hot. Drop the scallops
>> on it. They will stick ang get a brown crust in a few seconds. Flip
>> and do the same again.
>> The middle will still be barely warm.
>> This will never work with soaked scallops.

>Yep. My introduction to the soaked scallops. I had bought some nice big sea
>scallops. Put a pan on a medium high heat and let it get nice and hot.
>Plopped the scallops on the hot pan and when I figured it was time to flip
>them over most of them disintegrated. :-(

The easiest method to ensure properly cooked scallops (any scallops) is deep
fried; dust sparsely with lightly seasoned flour and fry in small batches in
370dF oil for 1-2 minutes depending on size... easy to figure time by frying
the first one or two solo. Scallops are one of the few types of seafood that
deep frying doesn't taint the oil for cooking other foods. Pan frying will
always result in unevenly cooked scallops.... either use skewers on a hot grill
or deep fry.

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