sf > wrote in
> On 10 Dec 2004 14:41:13 -0800, "Manzoorul Hassan"
> > wrote:
> > I very rarely take lunch to work from home (I know I should). But on
> > the rare occassions when I do, it's usually
> >
> > * some steamed rice with Salmon
> > * sandwhich (made of deli meat and cheese ONLY, no tomatoe or
> > lettuce)
> > * Grilled Chicken and vegetable
> >
> I took a suisa carne (quesdilla wwith steak)... but it would
> have been mushroom pasta if I'd thought about what was
> available in the refrigerator before I left for work this
> morning.
> sf
> Practice safe eating - always use condiments
I live alone, if there was 2 of me I'd qualify as a Dink (dual income no
kids). Since the kids left nigh on 6 yrs ago I haven't been able to down-
size cooking successfully. Hence come supper time I have excess food a
plenty. Of this I freeze some and also take some as lunch the following
Works out pretty good...I don't feel as guilty about cooking too much and
it forces me to actualy cook a decent meal instead of just a junk food
I even got some of those covered plastic microwave segmented plates to
put it in for easy transport, also I don't care to eat out tupperware
bowls...just doesn't seem right.
Lately I've been taking rotisseried chicken to work a fair bit. I got me
the GF rotisserie for xmas. I just cut the bird in half after cooking.
Eat half for supper and take the other half with a side salad to work
the next day.
Starchless in Manitoba.
Type 2 Diabetic