In article .com>,
"Michael" > wrote:
> Thanks for the comments, Dave and Katra. With the recipe calling for
> dousing the finished product with the remainder of the sauce, they
> indeed
> would have been a sticky mess to handle. The finished product was
> about the size and shape of an eggroll, and they tanned a very pleasing
> color. They tasted remarkably similar to the baklavas that we like so
> much from our favorite Greek restaurant, the Trojan Horse.
> I have no experience with phyllo, but I will give it a try some time
> soon.
> And I'll have to admit, Katra, that I am also totally unfamiliar with
> rose
> water.
> In the last couple years the Trojan Horse has offered a chocolate
> baklava. The family's only complaint is that they would have been
> better with chocolate. I'll probably try that next time, but as much
> as
> I like chocolate, I get a little tired of it.
> Shifting gears, was it you, Dave, who posted the recipe for saganaki
> dredged in cornstarch and then chilled for 30 minutes in freezer?
> I finally got a good cheese to use, Kashkaval, and I'm going to try
> out your recipe today.
> Michael
Mmmm... Nevermind. My bad. ;-)
My sister always added rose water to the syrup in hers and it was quite
good, but I did some googling.
Rosewater is normally added to Turkish delight, not baklava.
Sprout the Mung Bean to reply...
>,,<Cat's Haven Hobby Farm>,,<Katraatcenturyteldotnet>,,< id=katra