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Mark Thorson
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> I just filtered some cherry-almond liqueur I'd been steeping for
> the holidays, and I realized today that it tastes like cough syrup.
> I'd used vodka, sugar syrup, fresh cherries, and a little bit of
> almond oil. Is there anything I can to cut the medicinal taste,
> like add brandy, or is it too late?

I don't know, but you might try a very tiny amount of vanilla.
Of course, test it on a sample before throwing it in the full
batch. If upon tasting you can recognize that there's vanilla
in there, you used too much.

Another thought is you might pour it into a pan and reduce
it a little. The objectionable flavor might be more volatile
than the flavors you want to keep.

Another thought is, what do you suppose cough syrup
really is? If I pureed some apples and my objection
was that the resulting product tasted like applesauce,
what solutions could I expect people to suggest?