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Nels E. Satterlund
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Craig Bergren wrote:
> On Thu, 09 Dec 2004 18:10:49 -0800, mainunderdawg wrote:
>>I know many of you may shun these, but for us beer drinkers with budgets,
>>what do you say? It's hard to say, but I think I prefer budweiser.

> Bud is brewed with rice, Miller with corn. This makes Miller the more
> American of the two because corn comes from America while rice is an
> Asian import.

I think you mean Californan import (that's why Kikkoman has a soy sauce
plant here[for a value of here being Folsom CA])
I think the taste you like in Bud is the flavor of the
> beechwood aging. Some people think they can taste the corn in Miller,
> while the rice contributes practically no taste at all to Bud. Both are
> about 90% fermentable, contributing alcohol while adding practically
> nothing to the body.
> As far as freshness goes, both Bud and Miller are quite religious about
> removing out of date beer from distributors and retailers. What
> constitutes old? Beer that is 120 days old.
> When it comes to my favorite, it's Blatz. It has a skunk taste just like
> Heineken and Becks.

Nels E Satterlund I don't speak for the company, specially here
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