Michael Plant > writes:
> Lewis 12/2/04
> > It's autumn, and thoughts turn to decay. Specifically, I've been
> > thinking about how delicate green teas are. Seems to me that, as a
> > first approximation, Chinese greens are a whole lot less delicate than
> > Japanese greens in the sense of how rapidly they become dull or bitter
> > once the airtight package has been opened.
> >
> > I've been thinking about why this might be, and the answer seems so
> > obvious that ... how could it be right? Chinese greens are usually
> > whole-leaf teas, and senchas are almost always chopped. Could that be
> > all there is to it?
> Lew,
> Crunch up some Chinese green leaf, repack it, then wait and see.
Hmm, you're asking me to ruin my tea for science.
> I actually think there might be more to it than that. But, my
> "thinking" is *not* based in science, as I'm sure you're by now
> aware.
Hundreds of years from now, science will have caught up to you.
Lew Perin /