It took me five years on Ebay to max out my unverified cc spending
limit. The information you enter for bank verification should match
your cc name,address,etc ergo Verified. If someone stole your PP
account and went on a spending binge the product can only be shipped
too your house. I'm not sure but I think PP is left holding the bag
for cc abuse not your cc company. I don't have any problem using a PP
merchant anywhere anytime. The seller pays the service fees not the
buyer. You can also become Verified by signing up for a PP cc. If
I'm an online retailer I'd become a PP merchant and let them worry
about cc transactions. I'm even seeing PP added to sites already with
their own cc shopping cart. I think Ebay wants to move into retail
"Melinda" > wrote in message >...
> Just checking their use policies...apparently it is a total of $2000.00 now
> (cumulative). Which really doesn't answer my question which was :if I am
> using a credit card that has been issued to me and that I had to fill out
> (presumably) a form for etc., why does Paypal need to know my bank account
> number? What possible use could they have of that information?