Just out of curiosity...
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(Rufus T. Firefly) wrote in
> How did everyone get interested in tea?
Aside from a brief fiddling with Earl Grey from the supermarket years ago
(probably Twinings), I've been a coffee drinker. Then one day I got
curious about yerba mate. I'd seen it on a PBS show (the one where they
ride trains all over; this one was in Argentina). Something else must have
reminded me, but I don't remember what. I tried it and liked it, and
searched Google Groups about it. Someone, as it turned out, was discussing
it in rfdt. This caused me to subscribe and (mostly) lurk, and before you
know it, I was all curious about tea.
Now some months down the road, I haven't had any yerba mate in a while, but
tea is a happy part of my daily life, as well as a deep and intriguing
journey I know I'll never "complete".
"God's not on our side 'cause he hates idiots also."
-- Clint Eastwood as Blondie (_The Good, the Bad, & the Ugly_)
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