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On Wed, 08 Dec 2004 14:40:39 GMT, Michael Plant wrote:

> Lewis 12/7/04
>> Derek > writes:
>>> On Tue, 07 Dec 2004 19:46:20 GMT, Mydnight wrote:
>>>> [...bad Puerh is bad...]
>>> Oh, I fully support that assertion. But, in my opinion, higher quality
>>> stuff just tastes less horrid. This was, after all a thread started by
>>> someone who wondered if she was alone in *not* linking pu erh. She's
>>> not.
>>> I also can't stand the taste of eggplant. But that doesn't mean that
>>> my wife stops trying to feed it to me because she likes it.

>> You know there's more than one kind of eggplant, too, right? By the
>> way, in my opinion, eggplant, unlike most vegetables, is nearly
>> inedible unless cooked until it's mushy. I hope your wife's got that
>> covered.

> Eggplant is delicious. I love eggplant. You can leach out the tanins with
> salt. What's wrong with you people. Derek, eggplant everyday until you
> change your mind. Reminds me of fresh meadow grasses. (Your eggplants need
> to be grown on the steppes in proximity of fine Siberian horses.

Blech. I'm past 30, and I've yet to find a recipe for eggplant that I
like. Brussel Sprouts, on the other hand, aren't half bad.

> I'm nursing a horrendous cold with Guangxi green tea today. Ugh.

Sorry to hear that. Stay warm and comfortable.


Those who profess to favor freedom and yet deprecate agitation, are
men who want crops without plowing the ground. -- Frederick Douglass,
abolitionist, editor and orator (1817-1895)