Gary wrote:
> you'll have to experiment. but i've seen excellent
> white/black, green/black tea blends. personally, i try to
> blend teas from the same country, like keemuns and yunnans
> or assams and nilgiris. but i violate that rule whenever i
> see fit, like in some stronger breakfast blends which may
> contain african, india and chinese blacks.
> try herbs as well. but avoid flavoring oils. just my
> personal input.
> -gary
> Posted through TeaTalk -
> .
I've some great experiences both at and at using
both of their tea blending engines. You really have to experiment.
Sometimes, when I am drinking an assam tea, to sweeten it up, I will
add some juice. Not orange juice or those thick juices, but juices from
langers or those watered down stuff. Kind of like what ocean spray does
with their tea and juice lines.
Overall, I think it's all about personal preference. One thing to note
though is if you blend across different tea types to play around with
the steeping time, or if you have the patience, to brew each type
separately and then mix.