"Lewis Perin" > wrote in message

> If you're doing something wrong, it's an error I repeatedly committed
> a couple of years ago as I worked my way through a quarter pound of
> those titanic leaves. But there seem to be (at least) two different
> kinds of kuding cha. I recently got a sample from China, courtesy of
> a friend, of something called Qing Shan Lu Shui, which looks nothing
> like the giant-leaf stuff and has a certain sweetness to its
> herbaceous, non-camellia-sinensis taste. This stuff is apparently
> considered kuding, but whether it's closely related botanically I have
> no idea.
> /Lew
> ---
> Lew Perin /
> http://www.panix.com/~perin/babelcarp.html
Wow! Yet another "kuding" to add to the mix. Between the variety of
herbs/teas out there, the various language complexities, and the marketing
twists and turns between China and points West, tea can be quite a confusing
beverage. Fortunately those who love it don't seem to mind.
Jennifer (happily confused)