>archer1267 writes:
>I just filtered some cherry-almond liqueur I'd been steeping for the
>holidays, and I realized today that it tastes like cough syrup. I'd
>used vodka, sugar syrup, fresh cherries, and a little bit of almond
>oil. Is there anything I can to cut the medicinal taste, like add
>brandy, or is it too late?
>If it comes down to it, I can palm it off at the office Christmas
>party...any thoughts on what mixers to add to make it palatable? I
>guess I could add cider + seltzer for a start...
Why did you use "almond oil", and where did you get it... pharmacy? Most
likely what you used wasn't almond oil at all, it was most likely an extract of
peach nut meats (same family (prunus). You don't say the ratio of said almond
oil used... unless you know some AA drop out who'll drink any rot gut you may
need to dump it. Try mixing a small amount (1oz) with a couple teaspoons
sugar... that may make it palatable and then you can use it to bake, almond
cookies, etc.
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"Life would be devoid of all meaning were it without tribulation."