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Dave Smith
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> I just filtered some cherry-almond liqueur I'd been steeping for the
> holidays, and I realized today that it tastes like cough syrup. I'd
> used vodka, sugar syrup, fresh cherries, and a little bit of almond
> oil. Is there anything I can to cut the medicinal taste, like add
> brandy, or is it too late?

You can probably add more alcohol to it. Cherry hooch can be pretty
good, but some of the commercial varieties are too sweet, and sometimes
seem to use some sort of artificial flavour that make it similar to
cough syryp.

I don't know about the almond oil. Almond is usually a pretty good
compliment to cherries, especially sour cherries, but I wouldn't want to
spoil a good cherry flavour with something that might be overpowering
unless I was absolutely certain of the quantity used. A recent batch of
Empire cookies had one drop too much of almond extract and it resulted
in a little too much almond flavour for my liking.

I got a chuckle out of my brother a few months ago when we tried my
latest batch of raspberry hooch and found it too sweet. It was also a
little too heavy on the raspberry taste. I said that I was going to
water it down, and proceeded to thin it out with Alcool.

> if it comes down to it, I can palm it off at the office Christmas
> party...any thoughts on what mixers to add to make it palatable? I
> guess I could add cider + seltzer for a start...

Cherry Coke :-)