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Bob (this one)
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ilaboo wrote:

> reducted 1000 ml of balsalmic vinegar to less that 100 ml---light
> syrupy with rather intense but somewhat light taste absolutly
> delicious!--no heat whatsoever other than temperature of
> surrounding air.
> wine ( arlo rossi paisano)is about 250 ml and seems to be leveled
> off
> will give it more time and see if it will go to 100 ml
> in retrospect i probably should have left the wine open for a few
> hours to drive off the alcohol --this probably would have prevented
> the wine from turning into vinegar

<LOL> Could you be more relentlessly and consistently dense? Leaving
it "open for a few hours" would have done virtually nothing to drive
off the alcohol. There's plenty of good information out there about
that whole question. You may go find it if you're interested.

It wouldn't have prevented the change. Keeping acetobacters out of the
wine would have, Look that up, too.
