DJS0302 wrote:
> Do non Southerners have a thing against sugar? I've notice in many
> written by non Southern authors that sugar is used very sparingly,
even in
> desserts. I remember someone on the Food Network saying they had
never heard
> of putting sugar in iced tea. I thought everybody put sugar in iced
I tend to use sugar only in desserts and generally avoid sweet
condiments like
catsup. I don't sweeten my iced tea, either, although I did when I was
a kid.
It's unusual to find sweet tea in Michigan. The only place I can think
that has it is Hooters.
I prefer a hybrid cornbread. Tall and fluffy, but not sweetened. The
of my restaurant-going experience is sugar. Sweet spaghetti sauce.
bread. Sweetened butter. Bleah.
Cindy Hamilton