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The Cook
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>A school team is conducting a marketing survey for a service that
>delivers home-cooked dinner to your home. The survey is extremely short
>(shouldn't take more than 10 minutes) and responses will remain
>anonymous. Plus, you have the option of receiving the survey results
>after the data has been analyzed so that you can learn how different
>groups of people feel about the various questions being asked of you.
>We greatly appreciate your time and help.
>Here's the link:
>Thank you!

I notice you list your prices but not number of servings. Looks great
if it serves 10, but ridiculous if for 1.
Susan N.

"Moral indignation is in most cases two percent moral, 48 percent indignation, and 50 percent envy."
Vittorio De Sica, Italian movie director (1901-1974)