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  #26 (permalink)   Report Post  
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: The meat in France is stronger and tougher likely because the cows have a
: normal life. The reason that the average meat in the US is lighter in taste
: is that the cows are fed corn instead of grass, and is more tender is that
: their movement is restricted in their mass industrialization. Although, you
: might not like the taste as much, it is much safer and saner way to eat
: meat. The unnatural way that the us produces meat requires antibiotics,
: which you will eventually consume. (hormones are also involved, but that is
: another issue).

This is false, as anyone who grew up around cows (sic) knows. Corn
SUPPLEMENTS grass - it is prohibitively expensive to feed steers
only a diet of corn. Steers are normally raised on the open range
or pasture, and their diets are supplemented with hay or corn silage.
Prior to being slaughtered they may be fattened up on a diet of just
corn and/or other feeds, but the largest percentage of steers are
raised on grass. Their movement is only restricted at the time they
are fattened up prior to slaughter. Don't believe everything you