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Michael Odom
Posts: n/a

On Sun, 12 Dec 2004 12:56:07 GMT, Hahabogus >

>DD@chi-town wrote in :
>> I'm getting my wife a deep fryer for Christmas, so that I can make
>> French (Freedom) Fries with it.
>> What is a good recipe for the oil?
>> We've never owned a deep fryer before. How long can you keep the oil
>> before dumping it? Do you need to keep it in the fridge?
>> I loved the old MacDonald's French Fries. I've heard that some sort
>> of pork sauce was an ingredient in their oil before Mulsims
>> complained. Now their fries are rather tasteless. Does anyone have
>> an idea what their recipe was?
>> Alan

>It is never wise to gift your wife with things that you want to use.
> Or to gift your wife with required household equipment. (the snow tires
>I got her one year taught me that).

This, of course, raises the issue of skimpy lingerie, and who it is
actually for. One of the great puzzlements of human history. Some
believe it was on Aristotle's mind when he said of Plato's
metaphysics, "What is it that works with respect to the forms?"

OBOil: "Ma rrretirement


"Dallas is a rich man with a death wish in his eyes."
-- Jimmie Dale Gilmore