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Dave Smith
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sf wrote:

> Actually, one set of my grandparents used to do exactly
> that. She'd give him earrings and he'd give her a power
> drill, they'd ooo and ahhh over the gifts and then they'd
> switch. I thought it was very practical and they certainly
> ended up with exactly what they wanted.

It sounds like a good plan. I like to go out with my wife and pick out
something for me to buy. It ruins the surprise, but at least I get something
that I like and need/want. It's no great thrill to get a surprise gift of
something for which you have no need. I am going to have to pay the bills
anyway. So I might as well get something I want.

> A electric frying pan doesn't beat the Doctors office style
> scale I got one xmas early in our marriage. He'll NEVER
> live that one down.

Did the swelling go down? :-)