zuuum wrote:
> "Mark Thorson" > wrote in message
> ...
>> Andy wrote:
>>> Just learned how to make clarified butter. Whoa!
>> That's compatible with the Atkins diet.
> When I read the original post's title, the first thing I wondered was
> how many people in rfc have seen the movie "Super-size Me"
Not me.
> specifically what members in this group think about the obesity
> epidemic in America, or if they even believe there is one.
Oh, probably, but I don't believe it's limited to the United States; it's
just we talk about it obsessively. I saw plenty of obese folks in Bangkok
and Malaysia. One of our maids, Uhn, used to walk around saying "Me fat"
and then giggle like crazy. She *was* rather roly-poly. So was our cook,
Alum. But her daughter, Dook, was thin as a rail. They ate the same foods.
Go figure.
> first decided to take a culinary career path I was concerned whether
> it would directly effect my waistline. LOL But, one really DOESN'T
> have to eat everything they are served, even when paying for it.
My mom taught me a long time ago - eat the most expensive thing on your
plate first. That way if you get full, you don't feel quite so bad about
not finishing the rest. And, there's always "doggie bags"

Waste not,
want not.