LadyKat wrote:
> I'm stumped as to what to serve. Maybe a lasagna and salad? I could make it
> up ahead of time and pop it in the oven on a low temp. to heat before we
> leave for Mass, or I could do a marinara sauce with sausage and meatballs in
> the crock-pot, then simply cook up some pasta when we get home, but this
> seems like such a cop-out. Does anyone have ANY ideas for me?
Well, the elimination of fish/shellfish and the fact that you won't be
there to tend to "whatever" tends to limit my choices but....
Lasagna would work really well. Make it the day before as you said and
heat it low while you're gone. Throw together a salad and garlic
bread and you're good to to.
As a fellow yankee, I'll suggest a pot roast too. Although I do 'em in
the oven, according to folks around here they work fine in the crock
pot but I can't attest to that.
Or maybe chili?
Got a smoker? Throw some ribs on before heading to the church.
Swiss steak is another possibility. Served with mashed potatoes and a
veggie. You can adjust the amounts as necessary.
2 lbs. Round steak steak
salt and pepper, to taste
1 cup all purpose flour
1/2 cup Crisco (the solid kind)
1 cup of cubed onion
3 cups of beef stock
1 tbs. Worcestershire sauce (or to taste)
1 Bay leaf
I also toss in some sliced mushrooms. What ever looks good at the store.
Cut each steak into the desired serving size if necessary. Salt and
pepper each steak lightly, dredge in the flour and pound with the
business end of a meat pounder. Shake off the excess. Set aside.
If you don't have a skillet with ovenproof handles, you can use a
pyrex dish or an earthenware pan with a cover for the oven. Heat a
heavy 12 inch skillet (cast iron, if you have one) with a
tight-fitting lid over medium heat. Add the Crisco. Brown the steaks
on both sides and set aside.
Pour off all of the oil except 1/3 cup. Add 1/3 cup of flour to the
oil and stir. Allow the mixture to brown over medium-low heat and stir
frequently to prevent it from burning. When the mixture is about the
color of peanut butter, add the onion. Stir and allow the onion to
cook for about 1 minute.
Slowly add the beef stock stirring constantly. Add the
Worcestershire sauce and simmer for 5 to 10 minutes.
You should be able to do the above ahead of time although I've never
done it so I'm guessing. Then before you head to the church put the
steaks into the pan, cover and into about a 275dF oven. It'd probably
be done when you get back. I'd want the liquid somewhat thin when
going into the oven though as you won't be there to watch it while it
thickens. When done, the meat should be able to be easily cut with a
Good luck and have a good holiday.
Why is it that most nudists are people you don't want to see naked?