Omelet Techniques
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In article >,
(TheAlligator) wrote:
> Katra > wrote:
> >Just found the perfect pan at the local grocery store. ;-)
> >
> >It's non-stick and HINGED in the middle!!! You essentially have two
> >connected pans so you put 1/2 of your whisked egg in either side and
> >manipulate it with a nylon spatula until it's cooked enough. Add your
> >filling and cheese to one side, then just "fold" the pan over which
> >drops the perfect other half of the omelet on top.
> Good Lord, that's not an omlet, it's an egg sandwich. A simple, basic
> (not "French") omlet is so easy to fold. Grab the handle of the pan
> "underhanded" (exact opposite of the way you normally grip a pan),
> hold up a plate, slide the omlet halfway onto the plate, then use the
> edge of the pan to fold the other half over the first. It may sound
> weird, but if you try it once, it's as simple as breathing.
But then you can't melt additional cheese on top! :-)
That is a very important thing to both me and dad...
Once I "fold" the omelet over, I can sprinkle some extra cheese on top,
close the 1/2 pan over and let it melt for a minute or two before
I guess if I had a "real" omelet pan I could try that, but I don't...
Thanks tho'!
Sprout the Mung Bean to reply...
>,,<Cat's Haven Hobby Farm>,,<Katraatcenturyteldotnet>,,< id=katra
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