Peter Aitken wrote:
> "Dave Smith" > wrote in message
> ...
>>>I'd like to cook a salmon filet in the oven, but don't
>>>want to mess up the pan so I'll line it with aluminum
>>>foil. I don't have any oil to greece it with though. Can
>>>I just put it in and leave it on the same side, or do
>>>I need to turn it over? Can I cook it on broil for a
>>>bit, and then bake it for a while to get the other
>>>side done without having to turn it over?
>>I always buy salmon with the skin on, lay a piece of aluminum foil on
>>the bottom of a pan and put the salmon on the foil skin side down and
>>bake it without turning it over. When the salmon is cooked you can slip
>>a lifter between the skin and the flesh and lift it right off. Then you
>>just have to roll up the foil with the skin attached and pitch it in the
> Nooooo! The skin is the best part! Cooked properly it becomes crispy and
> incredibly tasty.
All a matter of taste. Some people even like chicken!
Engineering is the art of making what you want from things you can get.