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  #76 (permalink)   Report Post  
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>"Rick & Cyndi"
>"MJ" wrote
>> Did anyone ever think that maybe his wife asked for it

Why would any normal brained person think that (you functionally illiterate
turd), the pinhead said he wanted to get his wife a deep fryer so HE could make
fries. duh x 10

OP wrote:
"I'm getting my wife a deep fryer for Christmas, so that I can make
French (Freedom) Fries with it."

Like I said, you're a functionally illiterate turd.

>> christmas...there
>> are many of times when i have asked for kitchen things..i enjoy cooking so
>> why wouldnt i want something to enhance my hobby.
>> Would you be offended if you were an athlete and someone bought you a
>> basketball????
>> "

>I would; especially if I preferred football, or golf, or soccer... LOL
>Sorry, couldn't resist!

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"Life would be devoid of all meaning were it without tribulation."