Negra Modelo
I was recently perusing the website of my favorite local liquor store.
Their description for Negra Modelo and Bohemia said:
Negra Modelo
"An average example of the Dark American Lager style. No more, no less. An
excellent compliment to any Mexican meal."
Now the last time I drank a Negra Modelo, it was a really good
example of a Bavarian Maerzen style and that's what the Modelo web site
says it's supposed to be. But with AB taking over controlling interest, I
was interested if anyone who's had one recently can comment on this. Has
AB dumbed down Negra Modelo from a fine maerzen to a dark american lager,
or is the liquor store's description as screwed up as the one they have
for Bohemia - a Vienna-Style Lager (whatever that means)?