On Mon, 13 Dec 2004 01:32:58 GMT, Dog Ma 1 wrote:
>> Scientists say that some teas have almost lethal doses of
>> Americiumfluoride in them, so better drink coffee
> All you wiseacres on this NG should be more respectful of a well-intentioned
> and possibly important post like this. The main domestic use of Americium
> (isotope 241) is as an ionization source on thin sheets of foil in smoke
> detectors. Some of these are made in China. If the same factory makes smoke
> detectors and Pu-erh, it is not inconceivable that the "leaves" could get
> mixed. Fluoride, of course, enters when workers with good oral-care habits
> but otherwise lacking in a sense of hygiene spit into the steamers. I think
> the guy's onto something, and we should be more attentive to such important
> alerts.
It takes 43 muscles to frown and 17 to smile, but it doesn't take any
to just sit there with a dumb look on your face.