Thread: Orange Pekoe?
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Patrick Heinze
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Ian Rastall wrote:
> Hey Roy. Which teas do you mean that don't have grades? Do you
> mean supermarket tea? The stuff you find is teabags would be a
> "dust" grade, I believe.

I think he refered to the menu of the restaurant. While some teas had a
classification (OP or whatever) others did not. So his question was
about the quality of the 'non-graded' teas on the menu.

Roy, in my experience not all tea is classified like that. For example,
I don't think I ever saw a japanese green tea with this sort of
classification, but then again... ;-) At least here in Japan the System
seems to be different.

According to this site just found,
greens aren't classified like that at all, and neither are oolong.
Anyone knows if that is correct?

Roy, do you remember the names or tyes of the teas that were not graded
in OP, FOP..etc. ?


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