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"Dana H. Myers" calculated....

>> For the past four years, average yields were around 7 1/2 tonnes per
>> hectare (sorry USAns, you will have to do the conversion!) - whereas
>> '04 yields were approaching 12 tph.

> I suppose that's 1000 kg per 1 hectare? Converts to 2204.6 lbs per 2.47
> acre,
> or 892.2 lbs/acre. So 12 tph would convert to 10.7 tons per acre ?
> Yikes.
> Even 6.7 tons per acre is a very healthy yield.
> Is my math correct?

Yes, this sounds about right to me.

It is not without good reason that Marlborough winemakers call SB their
"cash cow"

It grows like a weed and does not require too much by way of special
winemaking techniques to make.

However, cropping at 10 tons to the acre makes it impossible to get a
quality, ripe crop.

Many contract growers had their harvests rejected by better winemakers who
demanded ripeness and fruit quality.

Unfortunately, the almighty dollar rules, and others were prepared to accept
substandard, overcropped fruit, just to "turn a buck"

So, be warned - there are wines out there which are thin and dilute.

Try before you buy.

