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Lew Bryson > wrote:
>"dgs" > wrote in message
>> That's a pretty neat trick, since Miller uses mainly corn syrup (and
>> some brewer's corn), and the corn syrup is mainly sugar, so it ferments
>> out fairly cleanly. If you taste "corn" flavors in beer, it's due to
>> something else.

>Don't tell Joel, he's sure he tastes corn in S*iner B*ck.

Bite me, big guy.

Yeah, Miller tastes very clean to me-- I did a side
by side of Miller and Bud when Da Bears played home
games down here and that was the only beer they sold in
the stadium. No corn flavor in Miller at all, but the
Bud had that nasty taste (I'm insensitive to acetaldehyde
per se but do get it as a slightly "off" flavor).
Shiner (and Rolling Rock) simply *screams* corn to
my acetaldehyde-impaired palate.
Joel Plutchak "Never try to teach a pig to sing; it wastes
plutchak at [...] your time and it annoys the pig." -anonymous