"Victor Sack" > wrote in message
. ..
> Gigi > wrote:
>> "Victor Sack" > wrote in message
>> >
>> > Lifted verbatim without attribution from
>> Victor, you make me very hesitant to ever share a recipe with this group!
>> Unfortunately, I started collecting recipes many, many years ago (long before
>> computers when I had to do it either in long hand or with a typewriter) and I
>> must admit, I wasn't careful in copying down who and/or where they came from.
> It's not about meticulous accounting, it's about basic honesty. If you
> don't know where the recipe comes from, just say so. Write 'source
> unknown' or whatever. Just don't post it under your name as if it were
> your own recipe.
> Victor
Thanks, Victor, that makes me more comfortable about posting recipes. I'd never
claim a recipe of my own but I sure don't know where all 14,293 recipes in 39
cookbooks that I have stored on my computer came from but I certainly know that
I didn't "invent" any of them. Maybe tweaked them some but the basic idea came
from somewhere else. The ones I inputted straight out of magazines and/or
cookbooks I noted the source but not the authors.