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Harry Demidavicius
Posts: n/a

On Sun, 12 Dec 2004 21:12:48 -0500, "Jack Curry" <Jack
> wrote:

>Jack Curry wrote:
>> Harry Demidavicius wrote:
>>> On Sat, 11 Dec 2004 21:16:15 -0500, "Jack Curry" <Jack
> wrote:
>>>> > wrote in message
>>>> ...
>>>>> "Jack Curry" <Jack
> wrote:
>>>>>> "Kurt" > wrote in message
>>>>>>> Is this posting better?
>>>>>>> Can I cook, bake rice on the gas grill?
>>>>>> Certainly. Anything can be cooked or baked on a gas grill. Rice
>>>>>> is best barbecued. Stand the grains on end to allow maximum smoke
>>>>>> penetration and do not allow cooking tempertures to exceed 220
>>>>>> degrees. Use the fork test to determine when they're done.
>>>>>> Jack Curry
>>>>>> -Enjoy!-
>>>>> You are incorrigible, Mr. Curry! °~D Belated Happy 60th, BTW.
>>>>> --
>>>>> Nick.
>>>> Thanks, Nick. My Troll-O-Meter is going off big time on Kurt, hence
>>>> the reply.
>>>> Jack Curry
>>> You Youngsters are very suspicious folk . . . . .
>>> Harry

>Dammit Harry, you made me misfinger and I was gonna say something really
>witty but I forgot.
>Jack Curry

Short-term memory is the second thing to go, JC.
[I forget the first . . . ]
