On Fri, 10 Dec 2004 14:03:14 -0500, Andrew H. Carter
> scribbled some thoughts:
>On Wed, 08 Dec 2004 18:52:29 -0500, Ed Nuxters
> scribbled some thoughts:
>>Well,.. I'm finally living all alone. I'm making some simple chicken
>>for now, but eventually I want to make something better. What should
>>I get to have in my cabinets? Spices and stuff like that. Just a
>>general cooking ingredients type deal.
>Spices according to what you'll make.
>But to keep/have on hand:
>Cayenne Pepper
>Garlic Powder/Chips
>Dehydrated Onion
Forgot to add Chili powder.
>Food stuffs:
>Tomato Sauce
>Tomato Paste (thicken up a sauce or as a quick sauce, just
>add water)
>Whole tomatoes
>SPAM/Luncheoun loaf (Sliced and fried, diced)
>Pork and Beans
>In the fridge:
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