Nancy Young > wrote in
> (heh) Exempt workers or salaried workers are different from
> hourly workers. At some stage you are expected to just get the
> job done. No watching the clock.
But you're not working for free then. You just feel like you are. I
am a salaried and exempted worker (House of Commons staff, unionized
or not, must work to operational requirements which may include
weekends) and yet I wouldn't say I ever work for free. I will in
fact be working four hours on Saturday (my idea) to assist in meeting
operational requirements.
Managerial staff work until the task is completed. When I was a
manager, I got in early and often didn't leave until very late. I
didn't find it satisfying, not to mention exhausting, so I returned
to my previous position after nine months.
"It is easier for a rich man to enter heaven seated
comfortably on the back of a camel, than it is for
a poor man to pass through the eye of a needle."
Supply Side Jesus