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Ed Nuxters
Posts: n/a

On Thu, 09 Dec 2004 06:34:22 GMT, "me" > wrote:

>When I read your post, I looked at various websites touting the best way to
>stock a pantry. I did this not just to provide you with some info, but in
>hopes I would learn a thing or two myself.
>What I found was a plethora of sites assuring me I needed a list the length
>of my arm worth of spices, herbs, and various items I don't even like the
>taste of.
>So, I'll share with you what I did when I set up my first pantry.
>I went to the store and bought foods that I enjoy eating, and kept the
>non-perishables used in those meals, stocked in the pantry.
>So.. what do you enjoy eating? Figure that out, figure out what ingredients
>you'll need to make them, and you'll have your own list.
>Let us know how it goes, or if you want some tried and true recipes..

So basically I should look up a recipe, buy what I need and 'built up
the fleet' as I go? I think thats thebest option. I saw the exact
same thing, for example one list said to have mustard and mayo... I
can't stend either one. They honestly make my puke on contact with my
apparently accute sense of smell.