Cindy Hamilton wrote:
>>So why order steak? Why not just order a loaded baked potato?
> I don't like loaded baked potatoes. They have (*shudder*) cheese on
> them.
> I'll eat cheese; it's a quick and convenient source of protein. But I
> don't find
> its presence on other foods to be an enhancement.
> I'm with Goomba on leftover steak: eat it cold on a salad. Same with
> leftover seafood. I also like to eat a little bit of everything, like
> Kevintsheehy.
> But I've always been of the "save the best for last" school, which
> usually
> means finishing with the potato.
> (Of course, sometimes I have another beer in lieu of dessert.)
> Cindy Hamilton
I'm in the "eat some of everything" camp I guess.
As for the beer for dessert, try a snifter of Sambucca sometime. Tasty
plus settles the tummy.
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