On Mon, 13 Dec 2004 23:12:53 +0100, Mirek Fídler wrote:
>> It's so interesting to watch ppl fight against a diet that straightaway
>> stares at the truth = eating less. What is particularly interesting is why
>> they fight that notion in the first place. Herein lies the psychology of
>> the modern day "dieter" and how the charlatans like Atkins play on this
>> "nothing gets something" mentality.
>> The 2PDiet is about conditioning yourself to eat less. To eat less than
>> you
>> prolly ever imagined would be healthful. Eat less than most everyone else.
>> Eat waaay less than the mainstream. Eat less than you thought you ever
>> could.
>> What do we hear? "Gonna starve, not enof nutrients" myth after myth all to
>> keep the one *basic* myth alive. That the human body must constantly be
>> refueled with large quantities of food (over 2 lbs per day). Yes, that's
>> right; over 2 pounds per day is "large", it's too much, and it is not
>> required.
>> If ever gluttony had a face.........
> You got it wrong.
> Mirek
Whatever do you mean?