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Melba's Jammin'
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In article >,
(Phred) wrote:
> Same here in Oz AFAIK. Though there does tend to be a bit of fudging
> these days since we went metric (500 g and 250 g blocks) with a lot of
> "specialty" butters ("lo salt", "spreadable", etc.) sold in 375 g
> blocks or (more often) plastic boxes. The motive for this diversity
> of weights is to confuse the consumer who is trying to do price
> comparisons.
> Cheers, Phred.

Most of our store shelf tags bear a per unit cost which makes
comparisons relatively easy.

What torques me is when the price stays the same --- but, oops, the
packaging is different.

Hormel chili used to come in a 15-18 ounce can (something like that).
Now they're putting it in boxes -- 14.5 ounces. I'll guarantee that the
price did not go DOWN.
-Barb, <> Updated 11-29-04; Sam I Am!
birthday telling; Thanksgiving 2004; Fanfare, Maestro, please.
"Are we going to measure or are we going to cook?" -Food writer
Mimi Sheraton