Melba's Jammin' > wrote:
> In article >,
> (Victor Sack) wrote:
> >
> > Below are a couple of recipes I posted before. The first one is a
> > favourite of Barb Schaller's.
> You can wind up in Hell for lyin', Bubba Vic.
Are you alleging this is not your favourite recipe? Is there anyone who
would believe you?
> There's a seat with your
> name on it in the first row of benches in front of the furnace, too.
A seat on a bench in front of the furnace? You mean I'm going to be a
spectator, or even The Director, perhaps watching you enjoy yourself in
the furnace? No, can't be you - the creator of the one and only
heavenly Jelly is bound to wind up in another place.
> > A kind of pté of leftover lamb. It can be used with other leftover
> > meat, too.
> (snip)
> > 1/4 of small roasted or boiled beetroot
> Apart from the known fact that it's disgusting, what do you suppose is
> the point of 1/4 of a small beet? Like, man, why bother? 'Splain me.
It is extremely gratifying to see you complaining about too few beets.
1/4 of a small beet is quite enough in the present instance, considering
the recipe calls for just 200 g (7 oz) of leftover lamb. That bit of a
beet adds a certain je-ne-sais-quois without being too obvious. The
dish could as well have been inspired by that sublime and subtle jelly.
Bubba Vic
who is going to eat a couple of spoonfuls of the celestial Barb's Beety
Beauty in a moment