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>"HeadHunter" asks:
>Unrefridged packages of bacon got left out of my fridge after a cleaning.
>around 20 or 22 hours before I noticed them.
>How long are these sealed packages of bacon good for unrefriged? It's the
>American style of sliced thin pork bacon that is about 3/4 fat. it's not a
>ham type or back bacon or the Canadian style stuff they eat up here in
>Canada. Just thinly sliced processed fatty bacon. is there enough fat in
>this bacon to keep it good? Could it be used for baking? I hate to throw
>out 5 packages of this stuff. $2.97 per package here in Toronto. If I can
>use it in a casserole or the like most certainly will.
>Or is it just for the garbage bin only?

Bacon is partially preserved and doesn't spoil so quickly like fresh meat. I
would fry it all to medium done, place the partially cooked rashers in
zip-locs, and freeze... should be used before 3 months.
You can use up a lot in soups and by baking into bread... crumbled bacon is
great in pizza dough.

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