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Please, pardon my ignorance, you own one of it? and how do
you use it? I mean, it sound to me like a difficult thing to use.
Don't know, it's a little strange to test what you eat and what you
drink before using it...

On Mon, 13 Dec 2004 23:20:19 GMT, "Alex Chaihorsky"
> wrote:

>Actually, this "info" may play a positive role in the lives if our readers.
>I always maintained that it is good to buy a Geiger counter for your home
>while nobody needs them, rather than hope that the government take care of
>you after the FACT.
>Today a decent ex-civil defense Geiger counter can be bought on e-bay for
>$30-50 (and pay attention - you have to do some reading before you buy) and
>it's well worth it.
>"Dada" > wrote in message
.. .
>> On Mon, 13 Dec 2004 02:25:36 GMT, "Aloke Prasad"
>> > wrote:
>>>"Dog Ma 1" (reply w/o spam)> wrote in message
>>>>> Scientists say that some teas have almost lethal doses of
>>>>> Americiumfluoride in them, so better drink coffee
>>>> All you wiseacres on this NG should be more respectful of a
>>>> well-intentioned
>>>> and possibly important post like this. The main domestic use of
>>>> Americium
>>>> (isotope 241) is as an ionization source on thin sheets of foil in smoke
>>>> detectors. Some of these are made in China. If the same factory makes
>>>> smoke
>>>> detectors and Pu-erh, it is not inconceivable that the "leaves" could
>>>> get
>>>> mixed. Fluoride, of course, enters when workers with good oral-care
>>>> habits
>>>> but otherwise lacking in a sense of hygiene spit into the steamers. I
>>>> think
>>>> the guy's onto something, and we should be more attentive to such
>>>> important
>>>> alerts.
>>>Thank goodness I drink Darjeeling tea. No industrial production of smoke
>>>detectors or good oral hygiene there ..

>> Ask Bruno Beam before
>> The only thing I have found on the internet is this nonsensical page
>> from google's cache
>> I haven't understood a word that is written inside of it. Millions of
>> pop-us start (of which sites i don't know).
>> It looks like the usual terror information that keep going around the
>> net: cancerogenic components in shampoos, in toothpastes, etc.
>> When I will see a decent link about it I will begin to consider this
>> problem. In Cina they have been able to hide SARS, then it should be
>> something more dangerous than americium in tea the we don't know.
>> It sound to me like a coffee maniac revenge ehehe
>> ....oh, I don't like coffee too
