Do not be si sure.
Puerh, if not stored properly is known to get moldy and/or dusty and lose
its taste.
If stored within reach of kitchen smells it will absord them and the liquor
will smell as a dish wash. IMHO 90% of cakes in Chinese homes are stored
that way and are spoiled after several years. The smell of the congut oil in
unbearable in tea.
True masters allow puerh to be moved from more humid to less humid
environmens periodically so the cake "breeth" some humidity in and out.
Certainly I know only "of" and not "how".
"Zephyrus" > wrote in message
> That depends. "Green" Pu-erh bricks will indeed keep ad infinitum (and
> get better as they go), but I have had some "Black" cakes fade on me...