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Dr. Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Posts: n/a

"Mirek Fídler" wrote:
> > That is not the way I see it. You offered an interesting sample data
> > point, namely the partial contents of your refrigerator. I calculated
> > the average caloric density of this sample. You did not challenge the
> > calculation then and you do not challenge it now with an alternate
> > calculation. I then observed that with a pantry/refrigerator such as
> > yours, if one ate a randomly selected 2 pounds per day from that
> > sample of food, that you'd average 1500 calories per day. I concluded
> > then (and now) that most people could lose weight on that consumption
> > rate.
> >
> > me my bad arithmetic. You didn't/couldn't do it then and
> > you can't do it now because it is obvious to everyone that it is
> > correct. So stop your flatulatent bloviating.

> BTW, John, you seem to be successful with this 2PD thing.
> Please, do not find anything offending with it, I am just curious. What
> exactly did you ate yesterday?
> Mirek

Folks following the 2PD Approach know how much they are eating because
they are mindful of the *amount* for this is what they are instructed to
write down. They may or may not remember exactly what they have eaten
because they have not written individual food items down. Personally, I
like variety so that each meal has multiple items (each reduced
typically to half of usual portion sizes). Yesterday, my breakfast was
9 ounces, my lunch was 10 ounces, and my supper was 12 ounces for a
total that was one ounce shy of 2 pounds.

Such is the work being done here for Christ's glory

Servant to the humblest person in the universe,


Dr. Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Board-Certified Cardiologist

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