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Dr. Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Posts: n/a

"Mirek Fídler" wrote:
> >> Please, do not find anything offending with it, I am just curious. What
> >> exactly did you ate yesterday?
> >>
> >> Mirek

> >
> >
> > Folks following the 2PD Approach know how much they are eating because
> > they are mindful of the *amount* for this is what they are instructed to
> > write down. They may or may not remember exactly what they have eaten
> > because they have not written individual food items down. Personally, I
> > like variety so that each meal has multiple items (each reduced
> > typically to half of usual portion sizes). Yesterday, my breakfast was
> > 9 ounces, my lunch was 10 ounces, and my supper was 12 ounces for a
> > total that was one ounce shy of 2 pounds.

> My beloved Andrew, I was asking John, not you.

There's always personal email if you want only an answer from John.

> Perhaps John has not lost his
> memory abilities on 2PD.

From what I have been reading of John's posts, his memory seems to be
better than yours.

> Sure, my question has hidden point which is clear for all of us, but at this
> moment I am really just curious.

If it were clear, it would not be hidden.

> Mirek

Hope the above information enlightens you.

Such is the work being done here for Christ's glory

Servant to the humblest person in the universe,


Dr. Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Board-Certified Cardiologist

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