Krispy Kreme: Is it me?
WardNA wrote:
> >too much of a
> >> butterscotch flavor.
> >
> >What butterscotch flavor?
> THAT butterscotch flavor. I am speaking of the KK near Tuscaloosa, the only
> one I've ever been to.
Oh, THAT butterscotch flavor. Well, we got gypped here
in Pgh. No butterscotch flavor. I think that would be good.
> >And lots of glaze is
> >the big attraction for me. The rule is: There is
> >no such thing as too much glaze.
> It is desirable to be able to taste and feel the doughnut itself.
Not in the case of KK or even most other commercial
doughnuts, but KK is the worst. The doughnut itself
is merely the vehicle for transporting the glaze to
one's mouth. ;-)
> KK first glazes its doughnut hot out of the fat, and rather thickly. That it
> calls its basic doughnut. Then it creates varieties by piling additional,
> flavored glazes on top of that. Sometimes you can hear the doughnut yelling,
> out from under all those blankets.
> When I make doughnuts, I apply a modest icing of slightly bitter, rich dark
> chocolate. The effect (on a light, warm, eggy doughnut) is so delightful that
> no one's ever asked for a different option.
I'm sure that's delicious if you like that sort of thing.
I would not care for a slightly bitter dark chocolate icing.
I would go for a nice glaze, even on a good homemade
doughnut, or maybe just granulated sugar. If the doughnut
is good enough you don't need much more.
Kate Connally
“If I were as old as I feel, I’d be dead already.”
Goldfish: “The wholesome snack that smiles back,
Until you bite their heads off.”
What if the hokey pokey really *is* what it's all about?