>Andrew H. Carter prevaricates:
>(PENMART01) wrotye:
>>Andrew H. Carter spurts:
>>>Andy scribbled:
>>>>I'm a no-salt person, except when it comes to recipes.
>>>>Is salt an absolute requirement in those recipes that call for it or
>>>>is it a taste issue?
>>>Funny, two flammable
>>>gasses Hydrogen (H) and Oxygen (O) combine to form water
>>Oxygen is not flammable.
>ox€˘y€˘gen \"ak-si-jen\ noun often attrib [F oxygene, fr. Gk
>oxys, adj., acidic, lit., sharp + F -gene -gen; akin to L
>acer sharp €” more at edge] (1790)
>: a colorless tasteless odorless gaseous element that
>constitutes 21 percent of the atmosphere and is found in
>water, in most rocks and minerals, and in numerous organic
>compounds, that is capable of combining with all elements
>except the inert gases, that is active in physiological
>processes, and that is involved esp. in combustion €” see
>element table
>ox€˘y€˘gen€˘ic \'ak-si-"je-nik\ adjective
>ox€˘y€˘gen€˘less \"ak-si-jen-les\ adjective
>flam€˘ma€˘ble \"fla-me-bel\ adjective [L flammare to flame,
>set on fire, fr. flamma] (1813)
>: capable of being easily ignited and of burning quickly
>flammable noun
You posted two separate entries, you smarmy *******. Oxygen in of itself is
NOT flammable... oxygen *supports* combustion. Don't even think of playing
word games with me, I'll slash your lying tongue to ribbons, you SMARMY, most
ignorant *******.
---= Move UNITED NATIONS To Paris =---
"Life would be devoid of all meaning were it without tribulation."