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DD@chi-town wrote in :

> I'm getting my wife a deep fryer for Christmas, so that I can make
> French (Freedom) Fries with it.
> What is a good recipe for the oil?
> We've never owned a deep fryer before. How long can you keep the oil
> before dumping it? Do you need to keep it in the fridge?
> I loved the old MacDonald's French Fries. I've heard that some sort
> of pork sauce was an ingredient in their oil before Mulsims
> complained. Now their fries are rather tasteless. Does anyone have
> an idea what their recipe was?
> Alan

It is never wise to gift your wife with things that you want to use.
Or to gift your wife with required household equipment. (the snow tires
I got her one year taught me that).

Starchless in Manitoba.
Type 2 Diabetic